Learn About Our Life-Changing Courses
We offer live Zoom or video courses to help you reach your goal once and for all. Learn more about our offers here:
Stages 1 and 2 starting at
For those who prefer a more personal touch, we offer an in-person, 5 consecutive day course (Monday through Friday) with up to 10 people per class. We present the live, interactive training on Zoom with conversations, questions, exercises, guided processes, and homework to internalize the newly acquired training tools during the mandatory five days. We then provide the 90-day Premium Follow-Up plan for personalized, ongoing support to stay motivated over time as needed. This level of support greatly increases your chances of success.
Stage 2 (Basic Follow-Up)
This Stage 2 Follow-Up course is offered only to clients who complete Stage 1 of the 5 Day Course as it builds on the lessons and skills acquired in the training. Basic Follow-Up includes three personalized one-on-one phone calls the first week, email messages, and unlimited access to a private Facebook group of other successful CSFL clients. Clients who participate in the follow-up support enjoy a greater than 80% success rate over time. The frequency of the calls and emails taper gradually over the course of 90 days as you gain confidence and resolve to stay off for good. Sign up now to enjoy the discount.
Stage 1 (5 Day Training)
Expanding our reach this new video course is designed to be watched over five consecutive days, but you can watch each day’s training at any time of the day to fit it into your busy schedule. In this highly interactive training you will answer questions, do exercises, follow guided processes, and have homework to internalize the newly acquired training tools into your behavior. By the end of the course your body will be mostly nicotine free, but not yet your thinking! That is why we highly recommend ongoing follow-up support for 90 days to help train your brain pathways to become truly free, once and for all.
Stage 2 (Premium Follow-Up)
This Stage 2 Follow-Up course is offered only to clients who complete the 5 Day Stage 1 Course as it builds on the lessons and skills acquired in the training. For heavy smokers who have tried and failed in the past, this highly personalized and as needed Follow-Up is composed of timely one-on-one phone or zoom calls, emails, and unlimited access to the Facebook group support for 90 days after you stop. This level of premium support is attuned to your individual needs so that you will confidently remain motivated over time to succeed. When you participate in the supportive community you greatly enhance your success rate to 90%. Sign up now to enjoy the discount.