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Tips for Stopping Smoking or Vaping

Writer's picture: Carol Williard van GinkelCarol Williard van Ginkel

The web is filled with well-meaning tips for nicotine dependent people that in the end are not lasting.  They purport to help smokers and vapers get free from nicotine by giving them ways to repress, avoid, attempt to escape, or run from their urges because urges are uncomfortable.  That conventional wisdom is understandable.  Why not take what appears to be the quick, and fast way?  After all, who wants to be uncomfortable? 


But unfortunately, getting free from an addiction doesn’t work that way. Getting free from an addiction is an inherently uncomfortable process, so these approaches fall short of helping the smoker/vaper permanently escape or get rid of their urges. In fact, manufacturers of products make the process of stopping worse because the idea behind these methods is that discomfort is the enemy.  When the addict is unsuccessful at getting the discomfort to go away over time, it ends up discouraging their attempt to get free. Failing at these attempts the addict comes away convinced that any further tries will be miserable and impossible to escape, while the manufacturers thrive in wait of the user’s next attempt.. 


What if there was another way to get free that offers a way out with hope?  There is a well-known principle: what we resist, persists!    So, here's a new tip for stopping.  What if, rather than making the discomfort of your urges the enemy, you learned to make them your friend? What if you learned how to allow the discomfort to wash over you, letting it come and go as it pleases, and found a way to deal with the urges as a positive experience rather than a negative experience? 

Those are the tips and tools you learn when you use the method.  It’s not rocket science, and I promise you the process will not be miserable. What has made you miserable in the past is that you made the avenue to freedom the problem.  It is not the urges to smoke or vape that is the problem.  The problem is that you don’t want to want to smoke or vape. That has been the problem!  Re-read the last two sentences. This approach will help you not fight the discomfort and when you learn to do that, you will be amazed at how simple and easy it is. It’s like learning to ride a bike. 


The approach is clear, simple, down to earth, and doable so that every time you get an urge to smoke or vape, you have a concrete way of dealing with your dependency on nicotine. If you want a permanent result and have already tried the “quick fixes” offered by “conventional wisdom” that have no clue about addiction, then check this approach out. 


The discomfort is the path.  The way out is through!  Let me help you find a way to embrace it.   Nobody dies from having an urge to smoke or vape. Nobody needs to be hospitalized to get through withdrawal. Nobody needs to carry around nicotine replacements indefinitely to run from urges that don’t work anyway. And besides, where is the recovery when you trade one form of nicotine for another, or your dependency one nicotine for another substance? Let me help you wade through the nonsense and show you how.

Book a free session on the website or call me at 512-758-1910.



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